marc walter Environmental Design francais
Public Artworks






Curriculum Vitae


2011        The Soul Decantor, Clairière art et nature, Chesterville, QC (August)

              Stretched Corridor, Nuit Blanche North, Hunstville, ON (July)

              View Points and Festivity, Minett Landing, Muskoka, ON (June)

              The Victory, the Harvest and the Call of the Heart, Au petit Jardin, Derouin

              Foundation Derouin, Val-David, QC (June)


2010          The Last Sowers, Fieldworks, Perth, ON (November)

                  Territorium Et Tu, Derouin Foundation, Val-David, QC (June)

                  The Children’s Labyrinth, Saksala ArtRadius centre, Haukivuori, Finlande (May)

                  The Call, Campus environnemental de l’Outaouais, Wakefield, QC (April)


2009          Circle of Wisdom, Création-sur-le-Champ, Mont-St-Hilaire, QC (October)

                  Les Beaux parleurs, La Tohu/Cirque du Soleil, Montréal, QC (October)

                  Call to Creation, Wakefest, Festival artistique de Wakefield, QC (August)

                  The Show Rooms, Pierre-Qui-Roule, CIGG, St-André-Avellin, QC (August)

                  The Chamber of Odds, Kiwi Garden Sculpture Project, Perth, ON (juillet)

                  The Incubator, Parc de l’Imaginaire, Aylmer, QC (April)


2008          Transhumance, NCC Fall Rhapsody, Gatineau Park, QC (oct.)

                  The Walkers, Festival H2O, Centre d’exposition d’Amos, Amos, Québec (July)

                  Velum, Winter celebration of the Gouverneur General, Ottawa, ON (Feb.)


2007          Materia II, NCC Fall Rhapsody, Gatineau Park, QC (Sept.-Oct.)

Les marqueurs de temps, Pierre-Qui-Roule, CIGG, St-André-Avellin, QC (August)

                  Peregrini, International In Situ Art Symposium – Le voyage, Derouin Foundation, Val David, QC (July)


2006          Materia, NCC Fall Rhapsody, Parc de la Gatineau, QC (Sept.)

                  Les égarées, Festival Grandeur Nature, Queyras, France (July-Aug.)

                  Aeria, Langeoog, Germany (July)

                  Sanctuarium, Natuurkunst Drenthe, Coevorden, The Netherlands (June)


2005          What is life, Sugarbush trail, Gatineau Park, Chelsea, QC (October)

                  Garden of ephemerides No.2, Morisson Quarry, Chelsea, QC  (Sept.)

                  Earth Space, public art, Earth Day, Chelsea, QC (May)


2004          Garden of ephemerides No.1, Wakefield Mill, Wakefield (Sept.)


2003          Art-Lignements (Temporalies), various public spaces (Oct.-Dec.)





2010          The Village of Spirits, Maison Culture Gatineau, Espace Odyssée, Gat., QC (June)


2007          The Giant’s robes, Atrium Gallery, City of Ottawa, ON (July)

Lebensraum/Spaces of Life, installation for multidisciplinary performance  (contemporary dance, music/songs), Montcalm Gallery, Gatineau, QC (Jan.)


2006          Stretch, Square Foot Gallery, Wakefield, QC (septembre)

                  Timeless Gardens, Montcalm Gallery, Gatineau, QC (Aug.)


2004          Émotions (Temporalies), Galerie Mud Oven, Ottawa (March-April)

2003          Obsessions (Temporalies), McKenzie-Marcotte Gallery, Wakefield (June)


2001         Et toi, tu passes... (Temporalies), Calligrammes Gallery, Ottawa (July)

                 Towers of Time (Temporalies), Centre d'exposition Art-image (Feb.-March)


1999          Odes to the Escape, Centre d'exposition L'Imagier, Aylmer (May-June)

                  + 14 exhibitions in community-based presenters since 1998




2011          The Dudes, Canal Art Festival, Confederation Park, Ottawa, ON (July)

                  Dérobade, RecyclArt, Montpellier, QC (July)


2010          Fleurs de Macadam, Gatineau (June)

                  Loto-Québec collection selection (March-April)


2009          The Return of the Chamans, Recycl’Art 2009, Montpellier, QC (July)

                  The Water Carriers, duo with Maureen Shea, Biosphere, Montreal (April-May)


2008          Projectio et Skênê, Cinema, Calligrammes Gallery (Dec.)

                  2CubesToBeTrue (extended), Artists in their Environment, Wakefield (Sept.)

                  Attouchements, Recycl’Art 2008, Montpellier, QC (July-August)


2007         Organic vibration, Art d’Ondes collective, Centre d’art contemporain de Montpellier, QC (May)


2006          quad.ratic, Cube Gallery Anniversary show, Ottawa (Nov.)

                  Prière, Recycl’Art 2006, Montpellier, QC (August)

                  Fleurs de Macadam, Gatineau (June)


98-2006     Artists in Their Environment Studio Tour, Various locations (Sept.)


2005          Summer Solstice, Centre d'exposition L'Imagier, Aylmer (July)

                  Loto-Québec Exhibition: artists of the “West”, Montcalm Gallery, Hull (May)

                  Moist, Erotic Exhibition, Joinery & Co, Old Chelsea (February)


2003          Summer Solstice, Centre d'exposition L'Imagier, Aylmer (July)

                  Between The Two My Heart Hesitates, Montcalm Gallery, Hull (May-June)

                  Gala Artists in Their Environment, Camp Fortune, Chelsea (May)

                  900 Trees, Joinery&Co Gallery, Old Chelsea (April-May)


2000-03     Myths & Legends, Bolivia (6 cities), United States (Houston), Canada (6 cities)


2001          Winter Solstice, Joinery & Co., Chelsea (Dec.)

                  Fenêtres sur les Arts, Centre National des Arts (Sept.)


2000          Summer Solstice, Centre d'exposition L'Imagier, Aylmer (July)

                  Arts and Crafts Fair, Elmwood School, Ottawa (Nov.)

                  Sculptural Horizons II, Constitution Square/Calligrammes, Ottawa (April)

                  International Ottawa Airport (Feb.-March)


1999          Summer Solstice, Centre d'exposition L'Imagier, Aylmer (July)

                  International Ottawa Airport (Dec.-Jan.)

                  Sculptural Horizons, Constitution Square/Calligrammes, Ottawa (April)

                  Double Vision (Duo), Calligrammes Gallery, Ottawa (March)


1998          Community Gallery, Ottawa City Hall (Sept.)





2011         3 installations, Winterlude, National Capital Commission, Ottawa


2010         2 sculptures, 1 installlation, Mer Bleue, National Capital Commission, Ottawa


2009         The Water Carriers, duo with Maureen Shea, Biosphere, Montreal (April-May)


2008         Transhumance, Fall Rhapsody 2008, NCC, Gatineau Park, QC (oct.)

                 Pétales grandioses, Domaine en fleurs, NCC, Parc de la Gatineau (July)

                 L’élan (Momentum), Circuit des arts de Memphrémagog, Magog (July)

                 The Fabulous Forest, Winterlude festival, NCC, Ottawa (Feb.)


2007         Patates etc, Macadam Tribus, Radio-Canada (Dec. 1st)

                 Materia II, Fall Rhapsody 2007, NCC, Old Chelsea, QC (Sept.-Oct.)

                 Organic portal, Canada Day, National Capital Commission, Gatineau (July)

                 The Arches, Environmental Art Day, National Gallery, Ottawa, ON (March)


2006         Materia, Fall Rhapsody 2006, NCC, Old Chelsea, QC (Sept.-Oct.)

                 Folie, Fleur de Macadam, Aylmer, QC (June)

                 Snow Sculptures (duo with Denis Charette), National Capital Commission, Rideau Canal, Otttawa (Jan.)


2005         Design of Salon Réseau 2005, Local Development Centre, Collines de la Gatineau, Masham, QC (Dec.)

                 Pilot-Project for an environmental art trail in the Gatineau Park, National Capital Commission, Chelsea, QC (Oct.)

                 Mural for the launch of the new Municipal Family Policy, Gatineau, QC (May)



2005         CRCO, Regional Centre for Culture in Outaouais

2002         City of Ottawa



Ottawa, Gatineau, Aylmer, Kingston, Montreal

Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy



2009         Finalist - prix Régions Outaouais/CLD-de-l'Outaouais (Nov.)

                 MASC – 4 creation grants

2008         MASC – 4 creation grants

2007         Grand Prix d’excellence of the Fondation des arts, des lettres et de la culture de l’Outaouais (Oct.)

                 ArtsSmarts – 1 creation grant

2006         Travel grant, Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec (June)

1998         Artists in the Schools, Ontario Arts Council (July)



2007         Peggy Brewin, Wakefield Mill, Québec (and 2002, 03, 04, 05, 06)

2006         Mascarade!, MASC, Ottawa (and 1999, 2000, 01, 02, 03, 05)

2005         Silent Holiday Auction, Council for the Arts of Ottawa (and 2002, 04)

2001         101 Frames, 101 Gallery, Ottawa, ON (and 1999)



1996-2009Calligrammes, Ottawa, Canada



2007         L’engagement, c’est une promesse, published by Fondation lavalloise des lettres in “Les arts en mots et en images”

2001         Artwork Explosion de famille, published by Statistics Canada in the Canadian Phonebook



2008         Chronique culturelle, Tous les matins du Monde, Radio-Can., Mélanie Riendeau (oct.)

                 Sous le signe de l’art environnemental, Le Reflet du Lac, Magog (20 juillet)

                 Une œuvre environnementale, Le Citoyen, Amos (13 juillet)

                 La vie comme un territoire, Espace Sculpture, (Printemps)

                 Little tykes make totems, The Low-Down to Hull & Back news, hebdo (mai)

                 Eco-Artist, Go Green, The Low-Down and Back news (March 12-18)

                 Winterlude coverage, The Ottawa Sun (Feb. 4)


2007         Macadam Tribus, Radio-Canada, Jacques Bertrand (Dec. 1st)

The Low-Down to Hull & Back news, weekly newspaper (Nov. 14-20)

C’est ça la vie, Radio-Canada Television, Élaine Ayotte (Oct. 25)

Méchant contraste, Télé-Québec, Sophie Caron, broadcasting (May)

L’Holocauste en pas de danse, La Rotonde newspaper, Ottawa U. (Jan.22)

                 Bernier et Cie, Radio-Canada, CBOF  (Jan.)


Chronique culturelle, Tous les matins du Monde, Radio-Canada, Mélanie
Riendeau (7 septembre)
L’envers de la nature, La Rotonde newspaper, Ottawa U. (Aug.28)
Wind schuf Aeria (And the wind created Aeria), Langeoog News, Germany (Aug.)

                 NewsPulsart, Pulsart en bref, Télé-Québec (Aug.)

                 Ottawa Morning, CBC Radio, Dipna Horra (Aug.15)

                 Divines tentations, Radio Canada, Claude Naubert (Aug.12)

                 La Nature de l’éphémère, Journal Voir, Line Dezainde (Aug.10-16)

                 Art-Circuit, Radio-Canada Television, Julie Huard (June)

                 Rogers Television, Daytime (May 16)


2005         The Low-Down to Hull & Back news, Catherine Joyce (Sept.21-27)

                 Bonjour Dimanche, Patrick Voyer (Sept.17)

                 Journal Le Droit, Claude Bouchard (May 16, July 9-10)

                 Journal Voir-Gatineau-Ottawa, Line Dezainde (May 12)

                 Rogers Television, Daytime (January)


2004         Télévision de Rogers, Regarts (Sept.)


2001         Le Journal de Cornwall, Catherine Gagné (Oct.18)

                 Télé-Québec, capsules promotionnelles & Les choix de Sophie (March)

                 Journal Le Droit (February 17)

                 Canal Vox, Chronique-art (February)

                 Radio-Canada, Tous les matins du monde (February)


1999         Rogers, Chronique Blitz-Art (March)

                 Zone Outaouais,  (May)

                 Journal Le Droit (March 13)


1998         Tous les matins du monde, Radio-Canada, Danièle Grenier (August)



1998-2005  French Programming Director for MASC, connecting artists and schools

1995-1997  Information and Training Officer, Canada Council for the Arts



  • Member of artist-run-centres (Axe Néo-7, Daïmon Production Centre)
  • Member of Conseil regional de la culture de l’Outaouais, Ottawa Arts Council
  • Vice-president then responsible of grants, Artists in Their Environment, Chelsea/Wakefield (97-2006)
  • Jury Member for Ontario Arts Council (Artist-in-school program), City of Ottawa, The National Capital Commission
  • Board Member for the Vox Theatre Cy (05-06) and the International Ottawa Children Festival (05-06)
  • Volunteer at the National Gallery, Canada (97-98)
  • Slide Conference: Arts and Accessibility, Chelsea (03.2000)



2005         Becoming a Better Artist, Regional Council for Culture of the Outaouais

1997         Visual Arts Baccalaureate courses (drawing, photography, sculpture) at the Université du Québec à Hull

1995-97    Visual Arts workshops (drawing, photography, sculpture) at the National Gallery and the Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography

                 + Various training courses in arts schools and museums in France and Germany.



1986-88           3rd Cycle of Advanced Management, Institut de Gestion Sociale, Paris, Fr.

1980-86           MBA, Control option, Paris I-Sorbonne University, France



2010          Creations in 7 Ottawa schools for permanent exhibition in Community Centre


2009          Collective Creation, Festival des récoltes de Wakefield, Wakefield, QC (October)

                   Creatures in the Garden, Canadian Museum of Civilizations, Gatineau, QC (July)

                   The Mermaid, École Samuel-Genest, Ottawa, ON (May)

                   The Gate, Centennial Public School, Ottawa (May)

                   Multidisciplinary explorations (with Maureen Shea), Holy Redeemer (April-May)

                   Multidisciplinary show (with Maureen Shea), Ecole Des Pins (January-May)

                   Multidisciplinary explorations (with Maureen Shea), Ecole St-Patrick (february)

                   Sympoosium des jeunes artistes visuels, Ecole la Traversée/Centre Axeneo7,

                  Hull, QC (February)

                  The Genesis, Dance and visual arts integration (with Maureen Shea), Ecole des

                  Pins, Ottawa, ON (Jan.-May)

                  Multicultural snow village, Poltimore, QC (January)


2008         The Peace Garden, St-Monica school, Ottawa (May-June)

                 Landart conference, Circuit des arts de Memphrémagog, Magog (May)

                 Animal-dreamcatcheurs, école de Wakefield (May)

                 Totems-Recycling, écoles de Poltimore et de Wakefield (May)

                 Interior Monologue, école Franco-Jeunesse, Ottawa (May)

                 Fantastic Travel, Sympoosium MASC, école Franco-Ouest, Ottawa (April)

                 Mosaïque évolutive, Jour de la terre, Musée des civilisations, Gatineau (April)

                 The Banquet, école secondaire Trois-Saisons, Terrebonne-Montréal (April)

                 Sails and Travel, école Perce-Neige, Pierrefonds-Montréal (March-April)

                 Winter Festival, école de Wakefield (February)


2007         Organic Explorations, Leslie Park Primary School, Ottawa (June)

                 Working together, Adult Creativity Workshop, ICSCIS (May)

                 LiterARTcy, Teachers’ Professional development workshop, OCCDSB (April)

                 Survival Shelters, Poltimore elementary (Feb. and April)

                 Paroles de Quartier, école primaire Francojeunesse, Ottawa (Feb.)


2006         Multiculturalism etc..., école secondaire Deslaurier, Ottawa (Nov.)

                 The House Under Branches, Canadian Museum of Civilizations (Oct.)

                 Snow and branches sculptures, Poltimore elementary (Feb. & May)

                 Un regard sur la matière, environmental Art Sympôôsium, Montbleu Secondary, Gatineau (January)


2005         Teepee Structures, Montessori des 4 vallées, Chelsea, QC (Nov.)

                 Mobiles, Wakefield Elementary, Wakefield, QC (May)

                 Path, Le Versant Secondary, Gatineau, QC (April)

                 Mural La famille au coeur de nos rêves, City of Gatineau, QC (April-May)

                 Environmental Art, St.Michael’s Secondary, Low, QC (April)

                 Faisceau et capteur de lumière, De l’Île Secondary at artist-run-centre AXENEO (February)


2004         Dream Forest Animation, Children Museum of the Canadian Museum of Civilisations (July)


2002         Passerelle Project, Casselman Secondary School, Ottawa, ON (March)

                 + 5 other mural-projects between 1999 and 2000